Saturday 28 April 2012

Belated Update

It has been quite a while since my last blog and I have no real excuses. The last 6 weeks or so have gone exceedingly fast - Mainly because I have been quite distracted with studying for exams (again!). I was lucky enough to have two weeks of study leave before my written exam which was actually almost relaxing. Work had been quite hectic and I never thought I would say I was looking forward to study – but I definitely was in the last few days before I took off. My first week was spent secluded in my Darwin house hitting the books but for the second week I flew down to Sydney (and then on to Kiama) to visit the parentals. Even thought I expected it, the change in temperature from Darwin’s constant 34 degrees to Sydney’s 18 and below was quite shocking. Feeling cold has virtually turned into a foreign concept.

Kiama, as always, is beautiful and luckily there was a bit of sunshine while I was down there so I could go visit the shoreline. It was also pretty awesome to hang out with my family – I do miss them up here.
It has now been just over 2 weeks since my written exam and not surprisingly it was not terribly fun. I had booked into a hotel the night before the exams right on Coogee beach but of course it rained the whole time I was in Sydney so I wasn’t able to get out and enjoy it at all. Sydney rain sucks when you don’t have an umbrella! I did appreciate the hotel’s mini bar though. Who would have thought that mini bottles of alcohol could be so much fun!

I also managed to have a quick catchup dinner with some friends and an early breakfast near the beach with my brother and sister in law post-exam which really cheered me up. Exams are never fun and its good to see that there really is other things much more important in life. Lovely.

NB All windows are still intact.
Work has been pretty constant – in both good and bad ways. I am still working with the Acute unit and am shuffling between days in theatre and days on ward rounds.

I am feeling settled right into the NCCTRC. Management have spent a great deal of time (and money) on some team building exercises recently and we have been trying to carry that on with a group excursion every Friday. Unfortunately because of my clinical work I cant always go but on rainy days hallway cricket is a good second option… 

Last Friday was ‘Team bonding by moving furniture’. We are undergoing a slight shuffle of desks between rooms and it has been the overwhelming topic of conversation for a good week now with everyone stressing about where they’re going to, who will move the desks and when, how the new room will be better (or worse!)… Our room has had a constant flow of people in and out to discuss it all, which I must admit was not terribly conducive to study. I also thought Charlie was going to have stroke if someone said “But will my desk fit in there?” one more time!

Luckily the trauma team is seen as a ‘priority’ so all of our desks have been shuffled and sorted. Although the problem of available power-points did not appear to have been throught through – hello extension cords! While myself, Amanda (social worker) and Bec (OT) are now secluded away in our little corner of the room, with the education girls around the side, we have lost the two IT guys which is a shame. I will miss their discussion of things I don’t understand and the contant background of Bollywood music. They’ve now been put into the TINIEST room next door which I don’t think either of them are too happy about. But it will hopefully limit the expansion of Charlie’s post-it notes.

I’ve also managed to get organised and complete a few courses through the centre. It seems like there are constant courses going on in the department and I’m lucky enough to get any of my course fees paid for so I’m trying to get time to do as many as possible. Earlier in the month I finished off the MIMMS course which involved playing with lots of grey blow–up dolls outside on the grass (not as scandalous as it sounds) and last week I did the simulation Australian Trauma Team training (basically a day of constant trauma calls – ugh). This week I am off to do AusMAT so I’ll soon be an expert at getting taken hostage and going through passport control. Yeah!

With all the studying I haven’t had a chance to do much around Darwin. I have ventured out for brunch a few times. Although I still miss Three Bean terribly, I have adopted a café in Cullen Bay as my substitute. Mainly for the view of the boats out the back which is delightful on a fine day. You can even grab some bread and feed the fish off the pier.

 I’ve done some shopping at the Markets. I got there early on Saturday but apparently wasn’t early enough to beat the BILLIONS of people already there. Markets are definitely very popular in Darwin!

I also took a study night off to head out, along with everyone else in Darwin, to see John Butler Trio play down by the water. It was a super hot night and it was quite funny to me to see pretty much everyone I know in town there. I ended up standing between one of the trainers from the gym I go to and the Salary packaging guy I’d seen that afternoon. It was a good show though, only bested by the show at the bar. Fiona and I got stuck between an ex couple who were trying to coordinate buying several cans of beer between them (unsuccessfully) whilst trying to bar an old guy from getting in front of them. You had to be there….

I’ve also been lucky enough to have several visitors up here recently – thank goodness for conferences. First up was my old boss and research buddy Costa. He came up with the family for a Bariatric conference followed by a few days in Kakadu. I think by the time they got back to Darwin they had all had enough of the heat so Costa and I had a good night out – him unwinding after too much family time, and me unwinding after exams. It was good to catch up and I must say I do miss the rants. Noone rants quite like Costa.

Then the urologists turned up. Clair, Michael and their two beautiful girls made the long trek up from Orange. Quite a difference in temperature for them! They had a great time feeding crocs and checking out Sexy World. Clair and I haven’t worked together for years and years but we have managed to run into each other every so often, often via our mutual friend Anna. Next year I’ll have to venture out their way and repay the visit.

Very exciting for me was a visit from my old flatmate Kesley. My second bedroom is furnished with most of Kesley’s stuff so it was only apt that she came and stayed in there. While I do love the freedom that living on my own gives me, I must admit Kesley did remind me how good an awesome flatmate can be. Shannon, one of the other urology registrars I know well from Newcastle (And recent exams) also came up to hang out and I had a fantastic few days with them both here. Highlights were a big cookup of our special spag bol and an awesome brunch by the water. It was extra extra sad to drop them both off at the airport – come back soon girls!!!

In the last week or so the weather has changed completely. Its getting down to 22 degrees at night and the mornings are divine – 25 degrees, sun and a nice breeze. Its still hitting low 30s in the afternoon but if this is what the dry season is like I cant wait! It’s a little depressing to spend the weekend studying but there are worse places to be than on my balcony with my headphones blasting, watching the guys tear down the house opposite. Sadly my palm trees are all gone but the shirtless construction workers do make the dilapidated house more interesting.
 The next few weeks will be filled with hostage training, study, a quick trip to Newcastle (for more study) and more exams… I also have trips to Tiwi and Timber Creek for pre-hospital training days and some more NCCTRC courses planned. Before we know it I’ll be heading off to Chicago for Kate’s wedding! Where is the year going??