Tuesday 14 February 2012

Newie Visitors

The weekend was hot (no surprises there!) but beautiful weather. – lots of sun and blue skies! After spending Saturday running errands, potting plants and checking out the aisles of the nearby Woolies it was a lovely surprise to get a visit from Rosie, a dear friend from Newie who’s doing a quick GP locum up the north end of the country, and had flown into Darwin for 24 hours. It was just so nice to have a familiar face around and to get news from everyone back there. Thanks Rosie!!!!

Dinner out Saturday night at the Malaysian/Thai/Indian/Jazz bar with a group from the hospital and then a day trip out to Litchfield National Park on Sunday with Rosie (old Newie friend) and Megan (new Newie/old Darwin friend). Litchfield is about 100km southwest of Darwin and covers approximately 1500km2. I had visited the park a few years back with Linda and it was actually really nice to go back and hang out there again. Aussie landscapes are so beautiful! Although a lot of the Waterholes are closed during the wet season, we did manage to spend the day swimming in the ones that are currently open. We even managed to avoid the ‘flash flooding’ and ‘rapidly rising water levels’ that all the signs warned us about. Phew!

First stop was Florence Falls which has a deep pool with two waterfalls running in. It was quite amusing to watch the various groups of guys try to jump off the rocks into the water in attempts to outdo each other – the best by far was the three guys who jumped in holding hands! And the fresh water was lovely and cool to combat the day’s heat.


We then stopped at Buley Rockpools which is basically a series of ‘cascading plunge pools’ (thanks Tourism brochure!). On the way back to town we had a late lunch at the Butterfly Café in Batchelor. It is a combination of a hostel, café, butterfly sanctuary, petting zoo and the worlds largest man-made waterfall (thanks Butterfly café flyer!), and run by a guy who combines an English, Aussies, Irish and Thai accent. He loved us, talked a lot and made great burgers!

Rosie and her handstands

Work in general is continuing. One of the registrars didn’t turn up to work this week as he has gone overseas for two weeks. Without telling anyone. As you do. So we are running a little short. I have a few lists of my own coming up in the next few weeks, am booked in for a clinic on Bathurst Island as well as a Trauma teaching session in the Tiwi, and I’m running a Burns education session next week too. Somewhere in there I am studying.

Today I got to go to the ‘Indigenous Awareness Program’ and learn about women’s business, skin names and that I am VERY bad at pronouncing aboriginal names. I also got to go to a team building session with the Trauma department. In an effort to improve our (already awesome) functionality we all got profiled. No surprises in that I am a ‘Controller Producer’. i.e. as analytical, structured and compulsive as they come. Apparently we are doing another session next week to see how we can ‘broaden’ our profiles…

This is the front page of the NT Times today. 

Something for everyone – the backpackers and their bikini car wash, as well as the CROC IN SOMEONE’S HOME!!!!!! I am assured that crocs cannot climb stairs. So I figure I’m safe on the 2nd floor. I just need to check the car every morning before I get in in case a sneaky croc has managed to open the door and climb in. Better safe than sorry.

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